Hey, all, well, it's hard to believe that my son Timmy is now 3 years old! It seems like just days ago that he was born. I remember the day vividly. It was Sunday, November 2, 2003. Our church's first service in our new building, and we weren't present because we were delivering Timmy. He now runs all over that building like he owns the place.
We are constantly learning new things as a result of having Timmy. Most readers know that we have 2 older girls, 7 and almost 5. But, as I guess I should know, boys are different. After all, I am one! Just yesterday, my dear wife was wondering why Timmy loves to seemingly painfully throw himself around the place, jumping, purposely falling, and sliding around. He seems play much rougher than our girls do. My only answer: he's a boy. We're different than you girls. Look, I've done my share of crazy boy stuff too. (Don't be too shocked if you read this, Mom!) As I mentioned in past blog entries, I once made a makeshift hanglider out of scrap wood and garbage bags, and tried gliding off the shed. Word to the wise: it doesn't work. I did my share of "smear the queer" style football, full-contact basketball, and attempting to invent "skateboard hockey". My brother and I would string our bedsheets across our room from one dresser to another and practice "diving over the line" with a football into the bed "endzone". So, yes, my wife can expect Timmy to venture off into much more physical play as he gets older (I really pray he doesn't try the hangliding thing!) Hey, at least we'll have a heads up for when Jayden starts getting mobile!
So, to Timmy, I love you buddy! I hope you have a great birthday today. Now go play nicely with your sisters!
Happy Birthday Timmy! Have a fun day!
"Buckeye Beesley"
Happy Birthday Timmy! You share a birthday with my brother, Bob, but he's much older than you and not near as handsome!!!! Bless you!
Hope that you have a wonderful day, Timmy!!!
Hey there Timmy.. I hear you are 3 today and wow what a great age to be....I hope you had a blessed Birthday and all your wishes came true....And wow what a Fireman you will be someday ;) Happy Birthday !!! From....SBG
Happy Birthday, you little cutie pie!
Phil Hoover
Sorry I'm late little man... but Happy Birthday late from the Dawg.
(Do me a favor and see if you can't straighten out that dad of yours a bit.)
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