Thursday, November 10, 2005

Nothing without Him

I just read something that spoke to me. I read a blog by a friend of mine, a fellow preacher, about people that will not admit their weaknesses, causing them to struggle through their whole lives. These folks spend all of their time trying to fill the vacuum in their hearts, when the only One who can fill them is the Lord Jesus Christ (To read what he wrote, click on the link to the right called, "The Dawg Howse"). It got me thinking again on a topic close to my heart, and should be close to the heart of all who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. That topic is our need for daily personal fellowship with Him. The Gospel of John says of Christ, “in Him was life, and that life is the light of men” (John 1:4). Lord, don’t let me neglect the Light that You bring to my life!

Nowadays, it seems that there are a million distractions that keep us from fervently seeking our Lord. Prayer makes our lives, but time does not seem to allow us to pray. I know personally what I must do to ensure that I get the time I need with the Lord. Not just the time in His Word, the Bible, but also “praying without ceasing”. I try to keep in an attitude of prayer. Worshipping the Lord, singing praises to Him, blessing Him, are all ways I keep the “line open”. The more I seek Him, the more I realize just how much I need Him. Also, I realize how far short I fall in my prayer life.

Jesus said John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, brings forth much fruit. For without Me you can do nothing”. How true are those words! As a follower of Christ, and especially as one called and commissioned to preach His Gospel, and equip His followers, I need that time with Him. I know, He is always with me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t initiate fellowship with Him. One thing I recently read from the old Methodist preacher E.M. Bounds said that God chooses to use men. How much more shall we run to the prayer closet and fall upon our Savior, and cry out to Him for the spiritual sustenance we so badly need? “Lord, make me a man of prayer. I know that apart from You, I can do absolutely nothing. Lead me into greater depths of your Life and Spirit. Make me like You. In Jesus’ Holy name, Amen”.

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