Tuesday, December 27, 2005

His Faithful Love Endures Forever!

As I was reading the Bible last night before bed, this portion of Scripture jumped out at me. The 136th Psalm is a passage in which every verse ends with the refrain, “for his mercy endures forever”. Every verse tells us of an act of God, and then declares his mercy, or faithful love to us. Today, my focus is on verses 7-9.

This section is praising God in his creation specifically of the great lights he created, the sun, moon and stars. Let’s read these verses.

“Give thanks to him who made the heavenly lights-
His faithful love endures forever.

the sun to rule the day,
His faithful love endures forever.

and the moon and stars to rule the night.
His faithful love endures forever.”

Now, several weeks ago I wrote about the sun, moon and stars, but something else jumped off the page that caught my attention. That is, God’s creation was an act of his mercy, his faithful love. When God was creating the world, it was out of his faithful love for us. As he placed the sun in its place and the moon in its place, it was out of his faithful love for us. The amazing thing is that when God was creating these, Adam hadn’t been formed of the dust of the earth yet. He was still just a thought in God’s mind. What that tells me is that if God was good to us before we were even formed, how much more will he be good to us in the here and now?

In the earlier entry, I related the sun and moon and stars to the things God is doing in us.
The things we see in the daytime sky and the nighttime sky are absolutely breathtaking. So is all that God has done in us, which should shine to out to be seen by those around us. As God’s original creation was an act of his faithful love, so his working in our lives in an act of his faithful love. Friends, this is something to rejoice in today!

The Bible tells us to give thanks to God for the great things that he has done (118:1). Look back on your life and see what awesome things that the Lord Jesus has done. I look back on my life with Christ, and I have to praise him. Friends, he freed me from the bondage of alcohol instantly. He released me from years of addiction to pornography. He took an angry young man that could lose control in a rage and cause damage to things, and brought me out of that. He started to work his Holy nature out in my life. He called me into the ministry of his Holy Word. The Lord has been so good to me!

Look back on your life. What has God done for you? Give him thanks, and remember that his faithful love for you endures forever! God bless.

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